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You can also buy direct from Windflower; custom flutes are available. See the basic price list below, or contact me for prices. Payment can be made through PayPal, or by international money order.

All flutes come with care instructions, a fingering scale, and a free copy of my cassette, Windflowers. You also have my support as long as you need it. All questions are welcome before and after the sale.

Price List

These prices are for basic cedar flutes including stock tops. Price for custom work to be negotiated. All prices are in US dollars.

Harmony/ Drone Flute 


Single Side by Side Drone Flute 


Take-anywhere Flute 


Deep Bass Flute


Harmony Flute


Tiny Elderberry and Tiny Cedar  Flutes


Windflower CDs


Songbook (with CD)                  20.00

Check my Ebay may get a bargain!

Beading, woodburning, hand painting, and leather trim are available--price to be negotiated.